Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tough Ride

Wednesday was the longest and hardest ride so far...maybe the two day break put us out of shape! We were up at 4:30 a.m. and by 5:30 climbing. We did not finish riding until 4 p.m.. We took a little detour to the old gold town of was the highlight of our day...interesting people there, and we even ran into some wild donkeys!!

3 comments: said...

Hi Stan and Helen. I talked to Eddie and Julie last night , they did good in the triathalon. They gave me Trish's phone number and I called her and also talked to Helen. I told her I want to baptize Sierra. Tomorrow I will substitute for the art department at Righetti. Wish me luck. I did several hours of lawn work today. This weekend I will make a dumprun.Seeing the wild donkeys would be cool. At the Grand Canyon walk on the new glass bridge for me. Miss Ya, doug

rockrob said...

Dear Mrs. Rose,
How are you? I miss you MRs. Rose. You have been a great teacher. I hope to see you soon. Have a great trip?

Hi MRs. Rose,
I hope you are having a fun trip and I miss you. I have 540 points and Dominique is catching up to me.

Dear Mrs. Rose,
We have been learning a lot and doing a lot of work and reading too. I have read Singing Sam. It is almost time for our field trip.
Leslie is still Top Cat, but I am catching up to her.

Hi Mrs. Rose,
Hope you had a wonderful day. The kids are doing really well. You would be proud. Have a great weekend and a great Mother's Day since you are now a grandma!

patricia said...

Hi Stan and Helen,
I just tried to send another message to you but can't tell if it went through or now. This is fantastic to read about. Wow! what an adventure. Thinking of you often and hope to follow your site and postings more often.