Thursday, May 3, 2007

Responding to student mail

Dear Students,
It was so great to hear from you!
*Veronica - I miss you too! Tell Diana hello from me.
*Marialy - I'm so glad your mom is going on the train and to the zoo with you!
*Miguel L. - Wow! 88 points!! You have been reading lots! Keep up the good work!
*German - I am happy you are reading long books. What is your favorite book?
*Leslie - WOW! 502 points! Are you still the TOP CAT?
*Miguel E. - You will have so much fun and learn lots on the field trip.
*Dominique - What new book have you read?
*Santos - Yes Santos, I am having fun on the trip. What are you reading at school?
Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!
Mrs. Rose

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