Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cattle Country!

Hi YA"LL!!

Boy are the people here in Texas just the feel as though you have known them all your life! We are in the town of Dalhart, Texas...cattle, grain and train country...and miles and miles of plains. The two lane highway is nice with a wide bike lane...lots of trucks moving cattle though. Somehow we have been missing the rain was windy last night and Stan said they had the worst bicycle ride this morning fighting the wind.

Yesterday the guys met up with a young group of about 30 cyclist... doing what do you think? Cycling from Manhatten Beach to Boston in 50 days. Stan and Roy rode with them for 20 miles or so drafting a little and increasing their mph to 18+. Not bad for ol' guys!! This group averages about 75 miles per day and sleeps in hotels every night. Their SAG wagon follows behind providing food, drinks etc. Trip cost is about $8,ooo per person.

Stan and I toured this little town of 7,000 and wondered where everyone was. Only one fourth of the stores were open for business... the rest were empty. The streets in the old section were made of bricks. I talked with the lady at the fabric store and she said everyone drives south to the big city of Amarillo for business and shopping...that's over 100 miles!

Hope everyone is doing well.

LOVE YA', Helen

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