Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Dear Family and Friends,
We were on the south side of the Grand Canyon National Park over the weekend and biked through it and along the south rim---what FANTASTIC views we saw---it is just awesome to have the time to take it all in. On Tuesday we woke up at 4:00 a.m. and moved camp traveling east to Tuba City on the Navajo Indian Reservation. We biked over some desolate desert (NOT A TRAIN OR TRAIN TRACK in sight)...just miles and miles of sandy desert with Navajo Indian Trading Posts scattered here and there. From the time of entering the Grand Canyon to now we have had no phone or internet access. We have felt DISCONNECTED from everyone back home. Stan could not even get his DISH T.V. to work...what a crisis!!!!! I am blogging here at a Quality Inn by our R.V. campsite. Today, 5/16/07, Stan and Roy biked some gorgeous dry country east of here on Rte.264. It was a beautiful two lane highway but no bike lane so we followed in the car letting the few vehicles we did see know there were bikers ahead. They biked in the Hopi Indian Reservation too. We met Brad, a native Hopi Indian and owner of the General Store in Hoteville. The Hopi Indians, in trying to maintain some of the old tribal traditions, do not believe in no casinos here! Probably a good idea.... Barely any people here!! We will be moving to Window Rock, AZ is near the New Mexico border. Probably won't get to post fotos until we are near Gallup. Take care all.
Love ya', Helen

1 comment: said...

Good Evening. Nice to be connected again. I got to the YMCA for the first time in three weeks. I read an author called Tony Hillerman. His mystery novel involve a navajo policeman. Anyway we planned an entire vacation to go see the places he wrote about.For example: Tuba City, Ship rock, the reservations, etc. We also saw Santa Fe ( the Carmel of New Mexico ) and the Taos Indian reservation. Enjoy the days, It is beautiful country. dah