Saturday, May 26, 2007

Milan to Mesita on Ol' #66

Hello All -

We rode Ol' #66 here through the Acoma/Laguna Indian Reservation. Most of the road runs parallel to I-40. ..tree-like shrubs cover hills and mesas. Roy and Stan are getting good at dodging dogs. Stan has decided that every Indian here owns at least 4-5 dogs! He accidentally ran over a rattlesnake...didn't see it in time to swerve or stop but when he went back , he found it had scurried off in the brush, probably not affected by the little skinny bike tire. The trucks on I-40 really rip...glad we weren't biking on that highway...we would have been blown away.
Cris and I decided to visit a little village and drove up to a little Catholic church on the side of a hill. The church was I whipped out my camera and took some fotos. Soon after a gentleman in a pick-up truck drove up to where we were...he said no pictures were allowed of the church or village and asked me to erase them. I obligingly did so and apologized and told him we hadn't noticed any signs ( we looked on our way out and never did see any), but we didn't want to cause any trouble! The village of Mesita had a big sign that said no pictures etc.
After the ride, we packed up and headed east to the BIG city of Albuquerque.

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