Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beautiful Rocks

3 comments: said...

Praise God, what beautiful country.I like some of your rustic resturants. I love blue torts. Your pictures are great.
Jose worked for us yesterday and the property looks great. The sell signs goes up tomorrow and the first open house is Sunday. I feel at Peace with the decision.dah said...

Well, I hope your Satelite TV has been working. Dances with the Stars picked our favorite Appolo and his cute dance partner. I actually have followed the three finalist since the second or third week. I would hate to have to fight Ali's daughter. Tonight we wait to see who win's American Idol. I liked "Doolittle" who was third. I think the 17 year old girl , Jordan, will be the winner. We signed realestate papers today and our home will go up for sale. I feel we are making the correct choice. God bless all of You. I will give you a website for our home. dah

Unknown said...

Hi Helen, I am so jealous. Your trip sounds like so much fun. I have been to many of the places but not on a bike! I think 10 miles a day is overdoing it!! We miss you-we had Margie's retirement party on Thurs. and it just wasn't the same without you. You really don't want to be here now though, we are winding down and the clock is ticking!! Your blog is great-I love reading about your adventure. Diana Lamb