Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Buckeyeman said...

It was great to see Santa Maria, California friends again in Ohio. Good luck on the rest of the trip.


natsassy2@comcast.net said...

Santa Maria 4th of July. Natalie and I are "being lazy". She is working on the checkbook and reading and I am working on drawing my watercolor, which is starting to look good, and reading. Ni and Rob went to his parents home. We may go to the hitching post for dinner, and drive to Stowell rd to see the fire works. HOT NEWS. There is a big brush fire near Zaca Lake and Foxenwood canyon, serious, not much news yet. I will fill you in later. This 3300 trip of yours must make this 4th very special , because you are seeing America up close and personal. Send me by e-mail Stan's sister's address, I want to mail you a greeting card and have it waiting for you there. May God bless Your summer adventure. dah